• EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    My ASL Finale

    At the beginning of the semester we were told to pick a skill and learn it using technology. It could have been anything, but I narrowed it down to choosing ASL. Initially, I thought how hard can it be? It’s like learning French. I was very wrong. It was so much different.

    For one, ASL is not a verbal language, which to me makes it much harder to remember the signs. In verbal languages, I can at least make connections to English words. In ASL this was much harder. There were a few that were like this, but trust me the signs are very different from what you think they are. One example, if you look back to Week 2, the number 3 still throws me off!

    If you also looks back to my week working with colours on Tik Tok, you might be able to notice that the colours do not really relate to anything, so it was a lot harder to remember them, and I still have trouble.

    Overall, I found learning a language online, harder than it would be in person. I have learned French in school, and one pro of being in person when learning is that you can converse with your classmates for practice. I was fortunate to have a friend who was also learning ASL, but it was very hard to find people to practice ASL with. Without consistent use and practice of the language, I find that I forget a lot of signs.

    Despite all of the setbacks I think I learned a lot about ASL. Looking back, my goal was to be able to have basic conversations in ASL. I think I was able to achieve this goal (see video below). I wish I was able to have a few more conversation words for more complex conversations, but overall I am super happy with my progress.

    I also wanted to look into being able to sign mathematical words like multiply, divide, add, subtract, and numbers. I was able to learn the numbers from 1-100, although I do have to look back fairly often to remind myself. I did however have a hard time finding math signs, so I focused more on my numbers than the other signs. I do want to continue and be able to tutor math using some ASL.


    Now, let’s talk resources. Over the course of the semester, I used a number of different resources. These include YouTube, Tik Tok, many different apps, Quizlet, and searched photos. One resource that I wish I did use, but honestly never thought of, was websites and other blogs. I cannot believe I did not check out websites that could have been full of good information! I think as I continue to learn, I will have to check out the websites one of my classmates had been using. Also, we talk so much about collaboration in class, I am a little disappointed in myself for not checking out other ASL blogs (besides my classmates).

    My Top 2 and Least Favorite

    Overall, I liked using YouTube the best. It really fit my learning style. I liked to see the signs over and over again, in slow motion and rewind as much as possible. YouTube had all of these features, plus a amazing selection of youtubers you were sharing their ASL knowledge. Check out the channel I found most helpful here.

    Coming in second place, I would say Tik Tok actually, which sort of surprised me. Some things I liked about Tik Tok was again the sheer number of people creating ASL content was way bigger than I expected. I also liked that I found people who were also learning just like me. The short length of the videos was a big pro for me. It made it easy to focus on a few signs at a time instead of 15 signs from one category. The only drawback to it was that if you missed something, you had to watch the whole video back over again. I guess that could be a positive too because you are getting lots of practice! You can take a looks at my Tik Tok post right here!

    Taking the least favorite spot has got to be using apps. Now for learning any other language I know there are great apps like DuoLingo. Unfortunately, there has not been a great app made for specifically learning ASL, at least not one on google play store (not sure about the apple app store). All apps I tried were hard to navigate, had to pay for most of the signs, only had photos, and were just not ideal when learning the language. I think they would work best as a review tool or like a translation dictionary if you forgot a sign. To read more about learning from apps click here.

    Throughout my weeks I have posted a few videos of my progress. Here is a link to all my blog posts for my learning projects. Throughout the posts you will find a few videos showing my progress. The video below shows me and my classmate completing a goal of both of ours. That is being able to have basic conversations in ASL.

    Check out my conversation as well as some other signs I have learned!

  • EDTC 300

    Is It the End Already?

    It seems like just yesterday we were starting our first EDTC class. The semester went by so fast, and I am so thankful I got to be apart of this class. I am sad that it is ending, but guess what… You have not seen the last of me ED Tech! I am so excited to be taking EDTC 400 next semester and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for me!

    For my summary of learning I decided to team up with the friends I have made through class. Paige Hamann, Brandon Rumford, and I tried out yet another website that we thought brought our presentation to life! It would also be cool for students when making presentations. You can check it out here! We met through Google meets, and used Audacity and DaVinci Resolve to edit our audio and videos.

    Without further adieu, please enjoy our Summary of Learning for EDTC 300!

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project


    This week my classmate, Brandon, and I shared our knowledge of ASL. We also agreed for our last post we will include some sample conversations that we would be able to say in ASL. We are in the process of putting together all of our learned signs and making a script of conversations.

    Sadly we will not be able to get together due to Covid-19, so we decided that we would zoom call and record our conversations using one of the tools given to us in class. It will be a little bit more of a challenge, but we will try to make the best of it! It has been so fun collaborating with eachother so far. It was cool to see the different approaches we both took to learning ASL.

    Although our approaches were similar, we definitely did not learn in the same order!

  • EDTC 300

    Collaboration is Key

    At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to keep track of your contributions to other’s learning. I was not sure why were asked to do this, but throughout my time in EDTC 300, I came to understand the importance of collaboration and supporting your peers and coworkers.

    I wanted to share some of my contributions to the learning of my classmates.

    • To start off, I want to talk about my twitter. I have been fairly active of twitter, sharing many articles that I found helpful, from teaching resources to study hacks for my fellow university students. I even found some resources for a fellow classmate’s learning project that I thought might be helpful. I also like, retweet and comment on other tweets to either save content other’s have found, and show my support for them.
    • I also participated in the #saskedchat, where I contributed my ideas and thoughts about the questions asked. I chatted with other teachers and was hopefully able to contribute ideas not only to my classmates but to educators as well.
    • Next I would like to share my contribution to our slack community. Although our slack community was not super active, I was able to help out classmates when the need arose. 3 instances include helping with using tools from class like CC Search or Feedly, as well as trying my best to answer general questions.
    • I have also commented on several of my classmates blogs, showing support, sharing advice, and offering collaboration. I had a lot of fun reading my classmates blog posts and seeing their progress throughout the learning projects and EDTC 300. Here are some examples of the comments I have left. One thing I wish I did was take screenshots of my comments because there were ones I remember making at the beginning of the semester that I have to dig through to find them back.
    • The last show of my contribution would be my behind the scenes contributions. I know a few of my classmates from outside of class. We tend to go to each other for help when we need it. I have helped by sharing videos of how to work WordPress, reminded classmates of blog posts and learning project posts, as well as sharing resources for learning.

    I really hope all my contributions helped out my classmates and made them feel supported in all of their work. I also want to thank all of my classmates for jumping at the chance to support me and give me advice. It helps us all grow and learn together which is so important in education.

  • EDTC 300

    Keyboard Wizard

    My hour of code experience was super fun. I have previously had a just a little bit of experience with Java script coding on my own time as well as block coding in high school. I wanted to try another sort of typing coding because I found the block coding less challenging. So, I searched through and found a tutorial that involved a dog, and of course I clicked on it. I really like how it has teacher notes, which makes this perfect for incorporating into lesson plans.

    This one had the option to do block coding or using java script. I chose to use java script. I think it so much fun to code like this. I could move Karel and make him drop or grab tennis balls. The only thing that I did not like was that he could only turn left, so turning right meant I had to code 3 lines! In the beginning, It was relatively easy and I went through it quickly, having a little experience beforehand. I really had a lot of fun relearned some java commands.

    One thing I really liked was it shows where you made a mistake if make one. It also shows you why it was wrong and how to correct it. This is really helpful in learning the coding language as well as how to start problem solving when something does go wrong (as seen below).

    Problem solving when there is an error.

    At the very end, the last task was to create your own design. I took this as a challenge to make something much more complicated then the previous tasks. I decided to create a paw print outline. I thought how long could it really take me. Trust me it took a while. I changed my mind a few times in between, and tried to make slight adjustments. I then had to go through and problem solve to make sure the rest of my code still worked correctly.

    Finally, after over 350 lines of code, I finished my pawprint! Take a look at the code running in the video below.

    I had so much fun going through this coding. I think it teaches and makes you practice many important skills, like problem solving, comprehension, creativity, and mathematics. I think students will enjoy programs like this especially because there are programs geared towards having fun while coding. For examples, some of them are like games and you code to finish the game. It makes the learning fun for the students.

  • EDTC 300

    Increasing Digital Literacy

    Today, fake news fills up so much of the internet. The world is full of it. A lot of people see something and share it, thinking it is true. Many times I have been sent something into a group chat about some sort of news. I remember a time during high school when my friend sent an article that popped up on Instagram. The headline read “Bill Nye Arrested”. This was something that shocked us all and immediately I knew something wasn’t right. So, I fact checked it, and turns out he was never arrested. I hated to burst everyone’s bubble and stop the conversation but I told them it was not true. The point is, everyone at some point will deal with some wort of fake news, and it is becoming more and more common.

    But, how do we combat all of this fake news? For one, we need to teach and use digital literacy techniques. Teaching digital literacy means teaching kids to understand what the digital world is, how to navigate it safely, and how to avoid misinformation and fake news.

    A good way to introduce this topic would be by playing a game like “Can you spot the fake news headline“. Then, follow up by playing them this Ted Talk about fake news. It theory behind fake news and how it spreads. This can be a general introduction to the idea of fake news and how it connects to understanding our digital world.

    Digital literacy is becoming more and more important in the recent years. In today’s world, we are bombarded with information overload. There are so many places were we can find information, so teaching students how to identify trustworthy sources and how to find the true from the false is very important. It is especially important now to sift out fake news during this pandemic. Updates are of huge importance to everyone in the world right now, so there is a need to find good information and not spread fake news.

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Getting to the End

    As I prepare for my final presentation of my learning of sign language I am focusing on tuning the signs I know and fully memorizing them. I have taken up learning a few other signs of random words that I find myself using every day. Words like car, drive, groceries, class, and some names of classes. As well I tried to find some terms related to Covid-19 and the pandemic, such as self-isolating or getting tested. These are all terms that would be useful, especially given the situation we are in. If there is any other terms that are related to everyday or the pandemic that you think I should learn, leave a comment to help me out!

    Covid-19 Pandemic signs.

    For me, I found that learning through YouTube to be the most beneficial. Tik Tok was also pretty beneficial, but if you miss something you have to play the video over again completely. Which I mean in a sense made you review it a lot. These were the 2 sources in which I used for the past weeks.

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Conversing in ASL

    Trust me conversing in a new language is much harder than it looks. This week I wanted to test my knowledge and what I have learned. I looked at conversation videos between two people in ASL on YouTube. From there I would see how much I could make out in the conversation. Some of the videos I used had subtitles, but were still helpful in the review process.

    This video was one of the first ones I used to review. They go over basic conversation signs and it helped me with the review. I learned these signs near the beginning of my semester so it was really nice to review them.

    In addition to review I am working more on the basic conversation aspect of my goal. I want to be able to communicate, and as of right now I am having a lot of trouble with remembering the signs.

    Review is easy to do through YouTube and through my notes, but what I am having trouble with is getting that practice in. How can I practice ASL if nobody arounds me uses it? Well, I have reached out to a fellow classmate in hopes of setting up zoom calls so we can practice. Hopefully we can both benefit from it.

  • EDTC 300

    Cyber Sleuthing

    How much of your life do you think is public knowledge? It is probably more than you realize. This week I participated in a cyber sleuthing activity. One of my classmates and I partnered up and googled and researched each other. The goal was to discover as much as we could about the other person through online sources. This was a really interesting experience, and I learned a lot about my fellow classmates.

    This exercise helped us discover what our online identity reveals about ourselves. Some of the information about us comes from us. It is information that stems from our involvement online, our online profiles, and our social media. Other information about ourselves can be found by what others post about us. I also googled myself and a lot of the information I see is articles in the newspaper about my involvement in sports, interviews I’ve had for a variety of things, and information from other people who know me. I also see how I portray myself online as well. It is important to understand that our online identity is not made up of only what you put out there, but what others put out there about you.

    Everyone presents an edited version of life on social media. People share moments that reflect an ideal life, an ideal self. 

    Kate Fagan

    This quote from the article “Split Image” shows exactly what I mean. We try to present ourselves as the best parts of our life. We do not usually see the ugly or hard parts of our life. We show our ideal selves. We want people to see the best parts about ourselves, and that is exactly what we put online.

    Our digital identity shows a lot about ourselves. It shows how we portray ourselves, but it also has stuff that we did not post, but others did. I suggest this cyber sleuthing exercise to help students and yourself understand what your digital identity says about you. I do not think we realize how much of our lives is online, and this exercise is a great way to learn about your online identity.

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    ASL Communication

    This week was midterm week for me, so my ASL learning took a bit of a backseat. I was only able to learn a few phrases but did not get a lot of practice in. Next week I plan on creating either some Tik Toks or a YouTube video for some of my progress.

    This week I focused on communication. For the most part, communication in sign language will be with someone who also uses sign language. Most likely, I would be communicating with someone who is fluent in ASL. I know I will have trouble understanding fast sign language or all of the signs someone does.

    So, with this in mind, I have decided to spend this week and next learning signs to help with communication. Phrases such as “can you sign that again”, “can you sign that slower”, or “I don’t understand”.

    I actually continued learning on Tik Tok. As soon as I started finding ASL videos and following the accounts, more and more ASL videos have been popping up all over my for you page. I found @eleanorgpotter who is also learning ASL and using Tik Tok to document her progress. I really liked her videos and learned from them this week. She is just like me, trying to learn phrases and words that I will be able to use to communicate. I think that is the reason I like learning from Tik Tok so much. There are people on the app who are on the same page as you and are trying to learn just like you.