My Love-Hate Relationship
with Social Media
Let’s Take a Trip Back in Time

Hmm… I guess I would have to say that my relationship with social media is somewhat complex. I am of the age where I grew up alongside social media, learning about it and engaging with it from its early infancy, until what we see it as today. At first, I jumped on board without even knowing what it was. I had an email address at a young age, and of course, MSN. I wasn’t adventurous enough to dabble in online chat rooms that were open or anything of that nature. I played it quite safely. My peers started to jump head over heels into MySpace and Hi5, so like them, I too eventually ended up on those sites. Can I say I remember them well? Not really. I was really young and also not really into it. I was skeptical of a lot of it, and wasn’t comfortable using it, nor did I have enough computer access to really want to dive into it (that took away from MSN time and playing The Sims, remember?).
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