Life’s a Course, You Learn as You Go. Sometimes You Lead, Sometimes You Learn More.

Digital Citizenship Google Classroom Course Banner

A Brief Overview of the Course

Although I had previously posted quite a lengthy blog post about my course prototype many moons ago, which you can find here, I thought that I would begin this blog post with a short summary of the course prototype that I had blogged about previously. Although the last one was quite lengthy (and I wouldn’t be surprised if you cut to the summary at the end), I promise this one will be much shorter.

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STOP! Collaborate & Listen.

Focusing on Meaningful Interactions
within My Online Blended Learning Course

This week, we were assigned to read Bate’s (2019) Online Collaborative Learning, from Chapter 4 section 4. Although I feel as if I have a pretty good understanding of the meaning of collaboration, I felt as if I learned a lot about constructivist teaching and the way that students are encouraged and supported through their learning. From the basis of constructivist theory, collaborative learning theory (OCL) emerged. It made me rethink my idea of collaboration and how I define and implement strategies that promote collaboration in my teaching. Harasim (2017) elaborates:

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It Must Have Been Love… Or Maybe Copyright?

A Brief Overview of a Basic Inquiry

I’m not really sure why, but for some reason I found myself struggling to write this week, which is very unusual because I usually have so much to say. As I pondered what to write about, I felt as if I wasn’t really sure what online learning is composed of (although I know this isn’t true). First, I thought I would research and write about using hand signals to create more equitable discussions after watching this video but found out quickly that the writing wasn’t flowing.

Photo Courtesy of Anna Tarazevich from

Feeling a sense of despair as I was standing in the preparation room at school, madly searching for materials that I knew I wouldn’t be able to find, I saw it. I knew instantly that it was just the right topic to discuss and learn more about, because as an adult I find myself confused with this rule and that rule, and the sub rule of that rule. I bet you’re thinking right now, well what the heck did you see? Well, I saw that orange poster above the photocopier, the one many of you are all familiar with. The poster about copyright rules for teachers. It literally stopped me in my frenzy of scavenger hunting, and I found myself starring.

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