And I’m Not Trying to Ruin Your Happiness, But Darling Don’t You Know That Social Media’s Not the Only One?

Debate #5: Social Media is Ruining Childhood
(Week #5: Post #1)

Feeling those Finish Line Feels

wood man person arm
Photo by Kulbir on

Even though this debate seemed to be less heated than last week, I still felt as if people felt a strong intuition pulling or keeping them on one side of the debate or the other. Before you continue reading this blog post, I want to preface that my opinions are solely based on my own experiences in the classroom over more than a decade of teaching. I totally acknowledge that we are all coming from totally different teaching experiences, and some experiences have definitely probably been traumatizing, or really pulling a person from one side to another on this topic. Therefore, after reading through my blog, I would love to hear your experiences with cell phones in the classroom and what that has or may look like for you in your own experiences.

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I Remember Years Ago, Someone Told Me I Should Take Caution When It Comes to Social Media… I Did, I Did

Social Media & Activism

A Shot of Honesty, and Maybe an Espresso Shot Too

woman holding mug with coffee sitting at desk
Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on

It’s been a hot minute since I have been on here and written a post, so here we are, back at it! Although I had a million ideas swirling in my head after last class, the stress of not only renovating and moving homes but becoming a landlord as well, has my brain feeling like melted ice cream on a scorching summer day. And to be completely frank, maybe I would have been better organized if we weren’t moving next door… yes, I am 1000% serious right now. So although I feel as if I have some great ideas, please bear with me as my ideas may not be as woven as they sometimes might be (or who knows, maybe I’m always this scrambly).

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Is It Too Late to Say Sorry? Cause I’m Missing Doing More Than I Should Be…

Exploring a ‘New’ Social Media Tool

A Little Taste of Honesty

holding a smartphone in front of an imac
Photo by cottonbro on

Okay, I was five seconds away from giving into signing up for an account that just weeks ago I was adamant about not embarking on. Yes… when given this blog prompt the only thing I could think of was one of two things that I couldn’t imagine ever doing. What is it you might ask? Signing up for TikTok. I even thought about using a friend’s account to explore it for the purpose of this assignment and then vowing to never admit it or for certain at least never talking about it ever again in my lifetime. Quick update though, I see that Leigh has given in to signing up for TikTok, and now I’m wondering if I’m making a mistake. But after coming across A Taste of Honesty and nearly peeing my pants from laughter (probably a combination of TMI and definitely being way overtired right now) I realized that I’m not ready for it quite yet. I mean, it’s probably an amazing tool for learning about all of the things or filling an incredible amount of time that I clearly don’t have but it’s something that I am still going to hold off on for now. However, if you really want full disclosure, I will probably use it for my learning project without signing up for it, and then still continue to be in full denial about it. Anyways, I should probably refocus my energy back to where I was intending to go with this post.

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