Kumashiro explains his understanding of what a “good” student is. A good student is  one that processes the proper knowledge and understands the material that is being taught. This understanding of what being a “good” student is set by society. Some of the characteristics of a good student could be: being respectful, listening, participating, attending class, doing their homework, and understanding the information presented. 

The students most privileged are a white student, an English speaking, and a student who comprehends what is being taught. Unpriveledged students are non-white or immagrants to Canada and are either learning English and therefore may struggle to comprend what is being taught.  The least privileged students are the new students to Canada or students living with families that do not adopt the norms of Canada. Students are all expected to follow the norms set by society. We all learn differently, therefore it is unfair to punish them for not being able to understand what is being taught. As educators it is important to explore the needs of our students to accommodate them to ensure students are engaging and understanding. 

Questions to consider:

  • Do you consider yourself a good student? Explain and use examples.
  • Does being white define you as being a good student?