Digital Citizenship in the Curriculum

Digital Citizenship in the Curriculum

On the internet there is a lot of fake news, and many be hard to tell what is true and what is fake.

As a teacher, students will use the internet for many of their different projects when they need to research on a topic and find information on it. Everyone has access to to the internet and many different types of social media that they can spread fake news on, which might make it harder to know what is real or fake, if you don’t have much knowledge about the topic or ow to spot fake news.

When looking at the elementary grades in the Saskatchewan curriculum, I did not find any outcome that was about cyber safety but there was some indicators that cyber safety can be taught in. In the grade 4 health, the outcome USC4.4 there are a few indicator that are based on cyber safety.

Screen shotted by Kelsey Deptuck

In indicator (d) Examine cyber safety etiquette and related safety risks and strategies. This indicator would be useful to use, to teach students how to spot fake news and information on the internet. By also teaching the students on how to be safe, what might be some risks can come form the internet if not used safely or appropriately. After learning about the safety of the internet, the students can examine different profiles and website to look at the different strategies, etiquette and safety risks that might come out of the internet. There is lots of different way you can bring cyber safety into the classroom when it’s not an main outcome and just a few indicators about it.

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