The Final Blog Post

The Final Blog Post

Hey everyone, this blog post is going to look back on my journey of decorating cakes!

Outline of my Learning Project: 

Week 1: The Icing on the Cake

This post outline all my goal that i have for this course. This blog also goes over my learning project.

Week 2: The Crumb Coat

This week post goes over all the basic skills you need to decorate a cake like how to making icing, how to crumb coat, and how to decorate it with different piping tips.

Week 3: Practice makes Perfect 

This week, I play around with different piping tips and different techniques.

Week 4: Will it Workout?

This week I tried to see if i was able to do a cake icing technique on a cupcake.

Week 5: 9 Small Pumpkins 

This week I decorated a bunch of cupcakes to look like different pumpkins, as well finding a new social media app to teach me how to decorate.

Week 6: Learning from Tik Tok

This week, I used Tik Tok to help me learn how to decorate. I found a bunch of cool videos that helped me out!

Week 7: The Tik Tok Cake!

This week, I decorated a cake I found off Tik Tok that turned out pretty good. I also learned how to a new technique to make a Christmas tree out of icing.

Week 8: O Christmas Tree!

This week, I found a video of facebook to learn how to make the Christmas tree out of icing but in an easier way.

Week 9: The Final Cake

This week, I took all the skills and technique I have learned so far to make my final cake!


My Reflections:

I did not know how much time decorating cakes really take, especially when learning from scratch. I did struggle a lot with my learning project as it took a lot of time to decorate a cake. As i had to bake the cake, make the icing, do the crumb coating and wait for that to set and then finally decorate the cake. With being a busy student with school and other activities, I felt like I had no time to do this as well write a blog post afterwards about what i learned. I was just too tried to do this all in a day or a few day, so it took me a bit to actually post my learning project blogs. But after I complete decorating a cake, I was proud of myself well most of the time. After decorating cakes for a bit, I still don’t think they look the best as i still struggle  on the crumb coat. As I don’t understand how the videos I watch can make the icing that goes over the crumb coat looks so good and smooth. I was never able to achieve that look. But overall I am proud of myself when I look at the first cake I decorated to the last one, as there is a big differences on how they look.

One thought on “The Final Blog Post

  1. Kelsey I loved that you did decorating cakes for your learning project. I can only imagine how much time and effort it takes to have beautiful work like yours! What part of decorating cakes did you find the most difficult? Was pricing for decorating a cake pretty expensive? Did you end up testing and eating the cakes after or did you give them away? I would have a hard time not just testing the cakes while making them.. hahahaha. They all look so good.

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