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Author: kad563

Professional Quotes

Professional Quotes

“There is a teacher there.” –Albert Saas “Love first, Learn later.” –Cori Saas After hearing this, It really made me think about what being a teacher is really about. Being able to have a good relationship with my future students is such a be part. Making sure they know i care about them and that they are able to talk to me when they have personal problem. _______________________________ “When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to…

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Journey Towards Reconciliation

Journey Towards Reconciliation

In my aesthetic representation, I wanted to focus more on residential school. On how the trauma from the residential school have affected the survivors then and now in the present day. I have done a graphic illustration as i am still learning how to do them as i am still learning more and more about residential schools. I first illustrated the residential school of St.Michael’s that was located in Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. Which is just 10 minutes from Rosthern, Saskatchewan…

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Autobiographical Reflective Paper

Autobiographical Reflective Paper

Hello, my name is Kelsey Deptuck and I was raised in a small town called Rosthern Saskatchewan. I live with my dad, mom, sister and my two dachshunds in the house I grew up in and lived right down the street from my baba’s house. Baba stands for grandma in Ukraine which is where my one side of my family comes from. As a child I was always at my baba’s house, doing arts or crafts, going for coffee with…

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