Welcome to the Internet, Have a Look Around, Anything that Brain of Yours Can Think of Can be Found…

Digging Deeper into Web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0
(Week 3: Post 1)

“The web influences people’s way of thinking, doing and being, and people influence the development and content of the web.  The evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now to Web 3.0 can be used as a metaphor of how education should also be evolving, as a movement from Education 1.0 toward that of Education 3.0.  The Web, Internet, Social Media, and the evolving, emerging technologies have created a perfect storm or convergence of resources, tools, open and free information access.”

Jackie Gerstein
Photo Courtesy of 7 Generation Games.
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Online Learning, Take Me Home, Back to a Classroom, Where I Belong…

Recollections of Online Teaching
(Week 2: Post 2)

Integrating Tools for Online and Blended Learning

Jacquie, Mike, Fahmida, and Josie presented Distanced Learning Tools and Online Learning, and discussed tools such as Microsoft 365, Scholantis, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and mentioned a few other LMS that they had researched more about the tools I used for online learning in my Grade 6/7 classroom. They also talked quite extensively about anti-oppressive education, epistemology, and ontology, and provided a few readings to support this: Ontological and Epistemological Foundations of Qualitative Research, A guide to ontology, epistemology, and philosophical perspectives for interdisciplinary researchers, and Anti-oppressive pedagogies in online learning: a critical review.

woman working retouching photo on laptop at convenient workplace
Photo by George Milton on Pexels.com

Although I feel pretty comfortable with using Google Workspace for Education, I was limited to some of the things that I could do because many of my students shared one piece of technology amongst the whole family, some struggled to find internet access, and some struggled with the basics of technology, even though we had practiced it for months, even though I had prepared how-to step-by-step documents with both pictures and words.

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If I Were Single-Tasking, I’d Turn Off My Phone, Tell Everyone It’s Broken, So They’d Think I Was Multi-Tasking Alone

Investigating the Internet & Productivity
(Week 2: Post 1)

Is the Internet Really a Productivity Tool?

Tranmautritam photo courtesy of Pexels.com

Prior to watching the Single-Tasking is the New Multi-Tasking video, I wouldn’t have given much thought to whether the internet was a productivity tool or not. Originally, I probably would have felt like the internet was a useful tool to save time, and to find multiple sources of information in less time than it would be to go to a library, use the catalog system (on the internet) to find a book, and then use somewhat dated information to find what I was looking for. Therefore, I would have considered it to be a pretty useful productivity tool and something that I use often.

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