I’d just like to start by welcoming you to my blog! I started blogging in January 2021, and have come such a long way! Let’s be honest, in the beginning, it was super tricky and I was struggling to get the hang of it. So IF you also feel the same, know that most of us have been in those very shoes.
I am excited to learn new things, as well as to touch up some of the skills that I haven’t used in quite a while.
I hope to feel somewhat out of my comfort zone during the course to embody the learning process and allow authentic learning to be present as much as possible.
Thanks for joining me on this new learning journey! I am excited to read your feedback and engage with you through my blog posts.
I also encourage you to be honest and let me know what you’re thinking. Looking forward to engaging in dialogue with all Y’all!
If you’re needing some help with blogging, please reach out and let me know! I am NOT AN EXPERT by any means, but I can try to figure it out with you. Chances are, I’ve had to research it and learn it myself by now.