Teaching, Teaching, Teaching, Teaching… Please I’m Begging of You Schools to Keep on Changing

Do Schools Really Need to Change?

Classic Musings Before Getting Started

hands on top of paper crafts
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels.com

Not only was last week’s class full of rich discussion, but the Discord chat has also been pretty active throughout the week. When reading through the many blog posts that my peers have been diligently writing over the past week, each post brought so many questions to my brain that I felt as if my head was spinning. I found myself thinking and rethinking and then thinking again. So many questions were swirling around, and I found myself having a tricky time writing my post because I kept restarting time and time again.

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I’ve Heard… that You’ve… Narrowed it Down, That You… Found an Idea, and You’re Asking for Help.

A Super Quick Insight into Our Major Learning Project

A Little Preface Before I Chit Chat Away

Welcome, everyone to my blog, and thanks for stopping in. Like always, I appreciate each and every one of you that stop by and I know that sometimes it can be a lengthy read, so thanks for spending your valuable time with me. I am so grateful for all of the feedback and inspiration that comes my way.

brown wooden table with white ceramic plate on top
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Before I get started on the main course of my blog prompt for this week, I wanted to briefly let all my new peers know that the goal of the course isn’t to be the most current on Twitter, to have the most detailed, researched, and professional blog out there, or even to be the most knowledgeable student in the class in the subject matter we’re discussing that day. Let me tell you right now that I know exactly how you feel, and I was once in that same position too. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information you are consuming and feeling like you need to put it into action immediately, take a deep breath. Slow down. Like a very wise teacher once told me, start at the start, begin at the beginning, and commence at the commencement. It’s about starting a journey and growing throughout. Having a growth mindset attitude is the most important thing in this class, or from what I have gathered taking three previous classes very similar to this one.

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I Remember Years Ago, Someone Told Me I Should Take Caution When It Comes to Social Media… I Did, I Did

Social Media & Activism

A Shot of Honesty, and Maybe an Espresso Shot Too

woman holding mug with coffee sitting at desk
Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels.com

It’s been a hot minute since I have been on here and written a post, so here we are, back at it! Although I had a million ideas swirling in my head after last class, the stress of not only renovating and moving homes but becoming a landlord as well, has my brain feeling like melted ice cream on a scorching summer day. And to be completely frank, maybe I would have been better organized if we weren’t moving next door… yes, I am 1000% serious right now. So although I feel as if I have some great ideas, please bear with me as my ideas may not be as woven as they sometimes might be (or who knows, maybe I’m always this scrambly).

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