
Week 8

This week, I decided to paint various fruits with watercolours. I chose a wide variety of fruits to paint onto the paper to allow for various colours and shapes. I began by painting my blueberries on. To do this, I used two different shades of blue and made some of the berries darker than others. Another aspect that I kept in mind while painting the blueberries was the idea that blueberries are not all the exact same shape and size. Therefore, I drew different sizes of circles onto the paper and then added a few lines to the top to act as a stem. Next, I decided that drawing limes would be interesting to do. However, I chose a shade of green that appeared to be light, but then it became very dark when it reached the paper. Next time that I draw limes, I will need to ensure that I am using a lighter green shade because limes are typically not super dark in colour.

As the limes were finished and I had some green paint still on the brush, I decided to paint a mini watermelon. To do this, I drew a green circle and then filled it in with the green shade that I was previously using. After the circle was painted in, I went over it using a darker green to draw some lines. Since I still had green on my brush at this point, I decided to also paint a watermelon slice onto the paper. I began by painting the green outline with a curve and then added pink paint in a triangular shape. Lastly, I added some black dots onto the watermelon slice to act as the watermelon seeds.

After painting the watermelon, I decided that some strawberries would look very nice in the painting. Therefore, I added some strawberries that varied in size all over the paper by using red paint. Then, I used green paint once again to add leaves to the top of each strawberry. To finish the painting, I decided that some yellow fruits needed to be added. The first fruit that I painted on were some lemons. To do this, I drew almost a complete oval, but then added a small point on each side. I also tried to paint these lemons with a darker yellow. Then, I finished the painting with a bunch of bananas. Interestingly enough, the bananas posed quite the challenge for me to paint on. At first, I only drew on one banana thinking that it would appear to be enough, but then I felt it looked a bit odd. Therefore, I decided to draw a bunch of bananas on to appear as a bunch. However, the spacing between the bananas became decreased which caused the bunch to look a bit odd.

Overall, I am happy with this painting. There definitely were some challenges posed along the way, but it ended up looking like a nice painting in the end.

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