Is It Too Late to Say Sorry? Cause I’m Missing Doing More Than I Should Be…

Exploring a ‘New’ Social Media Tool

A Little Taste of Honesty

holding a smartphone in front of an imac
Photo by cottonbro on

Okay, I was five seconds away from giving into signing up for an account that just weeks ago I was adamant about not embarking on. Yes… when given this blog prompt the only thing I could think of was one of two things that I couldn’t imagine ever doing. What is it you might ask? Signing up for TikTok. I even thought about using a friend’s account to explore it for the purpose of this assignment and then vowing to never admit it or for certain at least never talking about it ever again in my lifetime. Quick update though, I see that Leigh has given in to signing up for TikTok, and now I’m wondering if I’m making a mistake. But after coming across A Taste of Honesty and nearly peeing my pants from laughter (probably a combination of TMI and definitely being way overtired right now) I realized that I’m not ready for it quite yet. I mean, it’s probably an amazing tool for learning about all of the things or filling an incredible amount of time that I clearly don’t have but it’s something that I am still going to hold off on for now. However, if you really want full disclosure, I will probably use it for my learning project without signing up for it, and then still continue to be in full denial about it. Anyways, I should probably refocus my energy back to where I was intending to go with this post.

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I Found a Love, For Me, Darling Just Dive Right In, and Follow Me Please

My Love-Hate Relationship
with Social Media

Let’s Take a Trip Back in Time

flatlay display of electronics next to eyeglases
Photo by fauxels on

Hmm… I guess I would have to say that my relationship with social media is somewhat complex. I am of the age where I grew up alongside social media, learning about it and engaging with it from its early infancy, until what we see it as today. At first, I jumped on board without even knowing what it was. I had an email address at a young age, and of course, MSN. I wasn’t adventurous enough to dabble in online chat rooms that were open or anything of that nature. I played it quite safely. My peers started to jump head over heels into MySpace and Hi5, so like them, I too eventually ended up on those sites. Can I say I remember them well? Not really. I was really young and also not really into it. I was skeptical of a lot of it, and wasn’t comfortable using it, nor did I have enough computer access to really want to dive into it (that took away from MSN time and playing The Sims, remember?).

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I Don’t Care What They’re Going to Say, Let the Assessment Rage On, The Learning Never Bothered Me Anyways…

Assessment Technology & Practices
(Week 3: Post 2)

In this week’s second presentation, we learned more about assessment technologies and practices and were reminded of assessment for, as and of learning and how that may look. They also discussed formative and summative assessments and walked us through a few different assessment technologies and discussed advantages, disadvantages, and some issues or problems that could arise with each one. One of the readings they included, was: 7 Smart, Fast Ways to do Formative Assessment, where the article discussed some ways to include fast formative assessments such as entry and exit-slips, interviews, self-assessments, etc. If you are looking for a good read on using assessment technologies on learning, the presentation group also provided a great resource that was easy to read and understand. You can find this article here.  

Photo Courtesy of UCD Teaching and Learning.
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