Summaries & Shout Outs

How are y’all? It has been a hot minute since I have been on here blogging away. Pick-up your coffee (or select drink of choice) and hop along for a quick (actually quite lengthy) ride down reflection lane.
I want to take a moment here to debrief the last class and reflect on a few points. First off, I appreciated Catherine sharing more about SeeSaw with us, as I am very unfamiliar with this educational technology tool and often feel overwhelmed when looking at it. I felt as if I was not a great asset for Tessa when she was asking for pointers in Grade 1 & 2, as I have never taught anything below Grade 6. I honestly, would not even know where to start with those little beaners. Let us just say, 15 minutes of Kindergarten supervision three times a week, meets my quota of trying to understand the younger kiddos.
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