
Week 7

For the leaves of my flower, I tried to use a few different shades of green. The plan was to use a darker green to outline the leave and then add small lines throughout the leaves with it as well. However, my green looked a bit more blue than I would have liked when painting lines throughout the leaves. Therefore, I decided to take a different shade of green and go over the original lines. To be completely honest, I was hoping that the leaves would look better than originally planned. I was hoping for the lines and the actual shading of the leaves to blend together nicely, without as many noticeable lines.

For the actual flower, I decided to use a pink shade since I always find flowers this colour to look beautiful. To begin, I drew a circle where the middle of the flower would be on the paper. Then, I carefully drew each petal, trying my best to make them all appear the same size. Once the outlining was finishing, I waited for the paint to dry. Then, I filled in the middle and all of the petals with the same shade of pink. Overall, I am quite proud of how the petals turned out.

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