Blog Post #9

April 3, 2024 0 By Maddie

The AI tool I chose to look at this week was Chat GPT because it is the only AI tool besides Grammarly I have tried using! I know we discussed Chat GPT a lot in class, but I have only explored this one and have had experience with it!

I feel like this AI resource could be used in the classroom in a variety of ways. For example, a teacher could give each student a different text and be asked to use Chat GPT to summarize the text they are reading, the teacher could also use this tool to resemble the summarization of texts. I also think it would be a good English Language Arts resource because students and the teacher could use it to grade essays / proofread together. For example, the teacher could place an improper paragraph on the board and ask the students to proofread together, fixing the errors. I remember doing this in school when I was younger with just paper, but that sense of being the teacher made me want to try and find all the mistakes!

I think Chat GPT could be used as a tool to enhance education because it can help create lesson plans, and grade essays, give you general ideas in certain areas, and create rubrics and other generalized items a teacher may need. Although the tool may not be one hundred percent accurate, it still is very nice to get those generalized ideas it may create! I know I have used it for different ideas for a main “activity” per say for my lesson plans and lots of the time it gave a variety of ideas (some were random) but it was helpful and sparked even more creative ideas for myself. I think AI with the proper instruction can be a helpful tool, we just need to ensure we are teaching students how to properly use this tool so the negative stigma leaves. Chat GPT I feel can help fast-track the work aspect as well, which can be helpful in situations where administrative tasks or needing new ideas to engage students in your lessons and different activities around the classroom.

When we discussed Chat GPT in class, we discussed how this specific AI tool can be helpful when coming up with differentiated activities for different learning styles, and the students who may need an alternate assignment to ensure their success. When I was pre-interning Chat GPT helped me a lot when coming up with different activities or experiments for the hands-on science unit I taught. I just feel this resource challenges my mind to think more creatively, I feel it also helps me stay on track with certain ideas I may initially feel unsure about. I also think Chat GPT can show students how to think critically and challenge themselves to think more about certain topics or projects they may be assigned.

I feel with any AI resource there will always be some ethical or practical challenges. The different challenges can include plagiarism, privacy violations, inaccurate information, or representation. I know that the different challenges can cause ethical violations. In education, if teachers were to solely depend on this to create lessons and units. At some points, the students may not be getting the proper information because the lesson plan was not one hundred percent accurate! I think Chat GPT can be useful, but it is important to read over and make sure it is accurate and well-represented so students are not being misled and we are not causing ethical violations.

Overall, I do like Chat GPT and have not branched out and tried any other AI resource, but I will be checking out other sources once the blog posts start coming in! I think this resource has positives and negatives (like almost every app and digital tool does) so I think it is worth checking out if you have not or are on the fence about it because trust me I was too!

Thanks for listening to my blog post for this week, see you next week for the final blog post! 🙂


I wanted to add a picture of the Chat GPT logo!