Author: Maddie

Post #2 – A Cleaning Lesson!

This week I started focusing on cleaning the bathroom and mainly focusing on the shower because it hasn’t been used in probably over seven years! I started by going into the cleaning blind, but I don’t think that was a smart choice because I was mixing products, I knew nothing about mixing so before continuing…

By Maddie January 29, 2024 2

Blog Post #2

For this blog post, I decided to take some screenshots of my phone’s screen time usage to show you all the most frequent apps I use in my daily life. By looking at the pictures above my daily average of being on my phone is 3 hours and 41 minutes, and the most frequently used…

By Maddie January 28, 2024 0

Inspiration Photos

Here are some inspirational photos that show the similar vibe I am looking to achieve within my bathroom renovation! When I discussed this learning project with my mother (since I live in her house) her only request was if I was painting, the color needed to be a shade of green. I like the decoration…

By Maddie January 22, 2024 1

Post #1 – Introduction and Timeline

At first, I struggled to pick a topic for my learning project, I felt overwhelmed with ideas on different things I wanted to accomplish for this assignment. However, after sitting for a while and thinking about what I truly wanted to do I finally came up with the idea of redoing my basement bathroom. The…

By Maddie January 20, 2024 4

Blog Post #1

Hello everyone! My name is Madison Massey, and I am currently in my fourth year at the University of Regina. A little about myself is that I have a cat named Luna, who is about three years old now. She is my little best friend! Another fact about myself is I enjoy online shopping! My…

By Maddie January 20, 2024 1

Fall/Winter Seasonal Change – Grade 1/2

Teacher: Madison Massey Grade: ½ – Not a Box  Date: November 22nd, 2023   I Can Statement…  I can take ideas from a book and express them within a piece of art work.    Outcomes/Indicators:  CR1.1: Demonstrate understanding that the arts are a way of expressing ideas. CR2.1: Examine arts expressions to determine how ideas…

By Maddie December 1, 2023 0

Not a Box – Grade 1/2

Teacher: Madison Massey Grade: ½ – Not a Box  Date: November 22nd, 2023   I Can Statement…  I can take ideas from a book and express them within a piece of art work.    Outcomes/Indicators:  CR1.1: Demonstrate understanding that the arts are a way of expressing ideas. CR2.1: Examine arts expressions to determine how ideas…

By Maddie December 1, 2023 0

Health: Families – Grade 1/2

Teacher: Madison Massey Grade: ½ – Families Date: November 15th, 2023   I Can Statements…  I can understand how my family and other families are special. I can understand my family may look different , but it is special and unique.  I can create artwork based on an assigned topic (families and their uniqueness).  I…

By Maddie December 1, 2023 0

Counting By 2’s – Grade 1/2

  Teacher: Madison Massey Grade: ½ – Counting by 2’s Date: November 8th, 2023   I Can Statement… Grade 1: I can successfully count by 2’s up to 20  Grade 2: I can successfully skip count up to 100    Outcomes/Indicators: N1.1: Say the number sequence, 0 to 100, by: 2s to 20, forward starting…

By Maddie December 1, 2023 0