If I Made You Feel Second Best, Cellphone I’m Sorry I Was Blind, You Were Always on My Mind

Debate #6: Cellphones Should Be Banned in the Classroom
(Week #5: Post #2)

Looking Forward to Hearing from YOU!

person standing while using phone
Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

This is an especially interesting topic to me, and I think that most people fall on one side or the other, and only a few fall right down the middle. I am interested to hear what other people have to say about this topic, especially how their own experiences have shaped their feelings. I know that there are a few of us in the course that aren’t social media users, and there are also a few that are very active, so it’s always interesting to see what people have to say. I think that both of the topics for this week fit together nicely, and I think that points brought up this week could be interchanged for either debate. Very interesting, indeed!

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And I’m Not Trying to Ruin Your Happiness, But Darling Don’t You Know That Social Media’s Not the Only One?

Debate #5: Social Media is Ruining Childhood
(Week #5: Post #1)

Feeling those Finish Line Feels

wood man person arm
Photo by Kulbir on Pexels.com

Even though this debate seemed to be less heated than last week, I still felt as if people felt a strong intuition pulling or keeping them on one side of the debate or the other. Before you continue reading this blog post, I want to preface that my opinions are solely based on my own experiences in the classroom over more than a decade of teaching. I totally acknowledge that we are all coming from totally different teaching experiences, and some experiences have definitely probably been traumatizing, or really pulling a person from one side to another on this topic. Therefore, after reading through my blog, I would love to hear your experiences with cell phones in the classroom and what that has or may look like for you in your own experiences.

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